Frequently Asked Questions


What is the maximum number of participants that can join a small group?  

  • Currently, we recommend to not exceed 16 participants for the optimal experience  

What happens when more than 16 participants join a small group?  

  • Currently, Grid View can only display 16 participants. When the 17 participant joins, the view will automatically change to Speaker View. The active speaker’s video on your screen will be enlarged, while other participants’ videos are displayed on the left-hand sidebar in smaller thumbnails.  


Can I use emojis in the chat?  

  • Yes, the AlphaNow Chat function supports the use of emojis.   

 How long do the chat messages stay in the thread?  

  • All chat messages are erased at the end of the Alpha session.   

 Do you store the chat messages?  

  • We do not store the chat messages after the Alpha session has ended. 


How long is an Alpha session and how does that impact my data usage?  

  • A typical session includes 30 minutes of Alpha video and 45 minutes of video call with a small group size of 10 participants. The amount of data consumed will depend on how long your Alpha session lasts for and how many participants are in your small group.  

Can I change my data mode during the session?   

  • Yes, you can go to Settings and change your data mode. Afterwards, the app will refresh and put you in the newly selected data mode. 


If I change the Alpha details in MyAlpha or AlphaNow, will it be reflected in the other product?  

  • Currently, Alpha details are only transferred once when the setup button is first utilised. Any changes, such as the Alpha name, that you make to the Alpha in either products afterwards will be not reflected on the other product so you will need to change it for both 


Is there a limit to the number of participants in a small group?  

  • Yes, we recommend no more than 16 participants in a small group 

Is there a limit to the number of small groups in an Alpha?  

  • Yes, we recommend no more than 6 small groups in an Alpha  

When are my changes saved?  

  • Changes are automatically saved as the actions are done  

How long can my Alpha name be?  

  • An Alpha name is limited to 100 characters 


Can a host turn off the video and mute other hosts or the admin?   

  • A host can turn off the video or mute another guest or host. They cannot do this for an admin. The admin can turn off the video or mute any participant.   

Can a host turn on the video or un-mute a guest?   

  • Once video and audio have been turned off, the guest has to choose to turn their video back on or unmute themselves. This cannot be done by a host.   

Can a host remove any participant?   

  • A host can remove guests and other hosts. They cannot remove an admin. The admin can remove any participant.    

Can hosts broadcast themselves and broadcast video while on the mobile browser?   

  • If a host or admin has joined the session on a mobile browser, they will not see the option to broadcast a video or their screen. We have disabled this ability on the mobile browser because of the high processing power required when using the mobile browser. We advise persons responsible for broadcasting to join using a desktop computer. 


Can an admin start all the small groups at once?  

  • No, the admin or hosts are only responsible for the small group they are a part of. When you start your session, it is only for your small group. Other small groups will remain in the waiting room until their respective hosts start their session.