In this episode Nicky interviews Danielle Strickland. Their conversation explores the beginnings of Danielle’s passion for Jesus, justice and the marginalized.
In this episode Nicky interviews Danielle Strickland. Their conversation explores the beginnings of Danielle’s passion for Jesus, justice and the marginalized. From encountering Jesus in a Toronto prison cell, to befriending a brothel owner in Edmonton, Danielle’s life is shaped by a love for Jesus and a profound advocacy for the disenfranchised and oppressed.
After asking about Danielle’s past, Nicky steers the conversation to the various aims of the organizations she has pioneered. Everything from Brave Global — which exists to mobilize the church to end trafficking and prevent vulnerable girls from being preyed on — to the Women Speaker’s Collective — which empowers and equips women to grow as speakers and preachers — is touched upon.
Danielle’s skill as a story-teller is on full display as she unpacks the origin stories of these organizations. Through it all, the listener is drawn into God’s vision for a better future and inspired to disrupt the present to participate in it.
We hope you enjoy this conversation between Nicky & Danielle.
Show Notes
Danielle’s Biography
Danielle is a spiritual leader, justice advocate, communicator and peace maker. Her aggressive compassion has served people firsthand in countries all over the world. From establishing justice departments and church plants, to launching global anti-trafficking initiatives, to creating new initiatives to mobilize people towards transformational spiritual life. Danielle trains, advocates, and inspires people to live differently through initiatives like: Amplify Peace, Brave Global, Women’s Speakers Collective, and Infinitum. Currently based in Toronto, Canada, Danielle is the proud mum of 3 boys, wife to Stephen, and as an enneagram 7, has been affectionately called the “ambassador of fun”.
Coming Up Next: Timothy Keller
Timothy Keller is the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which he started in 1989 with his wife, Kathy, and three young sons. For 28 years he led a diverse congregation of young professionals that grew to a weekly attendance of over 5,000.
He is also the Chairman & Co-Founder of Redeemer City to City (CTC), which starts new churches in New York and other global cities, and publishes books and resources for ministry in an urban environment. In 2017 Dr. Keller transitioned to CTC full time to teach and mentor church planters and seminary students through a joint venture with Reformed Theological Seminary’s (RTS), the City Ministry Program.
Dr. Keller’s books, including the New York Times bestselling The Reason for God and The Prodigal God, have sold over 2 million copies and been translated into 25 languages.
Dr. Keller was born and raised in Pennsylvania and educated at Bucknell University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary.