Why give to Alpha?

Our vision is for everyone, everywhere to have the opportunity to explore faith through Alpha by 2033.

This is a key moment in history. In a world more connected than ever before, Alpha is well placed to give everyone, everywhere the opportunity to discover Jesus in a way that is respectful, relevant, and rooted in community.

As we look towards the 2000th anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we hope to make exploring faith as accessible as possible, so that millions more might encounter the transformative love of God.

Thank you for playing your part with a gift to Alpha.

Alpha - Donation Form

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Your Donation

£10, £30, £50, £100, Other

Note: Your first payment will be processed today, and subsequent payments will be deducted on the same date each month. If today is the 31st and a month has fewer days, the payment will be taken on the last day of that month instead.

I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and have paid or will pay sufficient Income or Capital Gains Tax in each tax year to cover all the tax that will be reclaimed by all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs to which I have made Gift Aid donations in any tax year covered by this declaration. I understand that I am responsible for paying any tax shortfall.
I would like Alpha International to stay in touch with me about its inspiring stories from around the world, updates about its ministries, and opportunities to volunteer and give in support of its work.
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The information you provide will be used to process your gift, recover gift aid (where relevant) and thank you for your donation. For more information on how we use your data, please view our Privacy Policy If you have any questions about how we process your data, please contact giving@alpha.org.

The information you provide will be used to process your gift, recover gift aid (where relevant) and thank you for your donation. For more information on how we use your data, please view our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about how we process your data, please contact giving@alpha.org.